3rd IRN i-GPCRnet workshop 2023 Organoids & Microtechnologies

3rd IRN i-GPCRnet workshop 2023 Organoids & Microtechnologies

Dear PhD students and post-doc of the iGPCRnet IRN

An on-site workshop is organized for you, the early career scientists of the IRN, entitled “Organoid models and microtechnologies development”.

The workshop will be held just before the iGPCRnet meeting in Strasbourg from Tuesday the 24th of October in the afternoon (starting at 14:30 in order to allow everybody to arrive on-site in time) to Wednesday 25th of October 2023 in the morning.

If you wish to attend the workshop, registration is mandatory and free of charges for the lab members of the iGPCRnet IRN : 

Registration will be closed when 25-30 attendees will be confirmed. REGISTRATION IS CLOSED

This workshop will allow you to discuss with experts who are willing to share with you the technical challenges that they have encountered. It will be the opportunity to meet other young scientists of our international consortium in a small group that allows a lot of informal exchanges and friendly scientific discussions. If you have any questions regardings the workshop, you can contact Sandra LECAT (sandra.lecat@unistra.fr) 

After registration, you will receive an automatic message from the registration site noreply@jotform.com that might be arriving in your junk mailbox, so please check-it.

See you soon and have a nice summer time meanwhile

The preliminary program is the following:

Workshop on Organoid models and microtechnologies development

Day 1: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 University of Strasbourg Central Campus, Studium 

14:00-14:30 Welcome-Registration Room E.12

14:30-14:45 Introduction (Room In Quarto)

14:45-15:30 Dr. Vincent FLACHER (IBMC, Strasbourg, France, director of the French Research Consortium GDR “organoid”)

"An immunocompetent and innervated human skin model to study cutaneous neuroimmune interactions."

15:30-16:15 Dr. Sophie MARTIN (Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Strasbourg, France)

“Head and neck tumoroids at the service of fundamental and translational research”

16:15-16:45 Discussion with companies and Coffee break (Room In Quarto)

16:45-17:30 Dr. Gérard GRADWOHL (IGBMC, Illkirch, France)

Human intestinal and pancreatic organoid models to study development and associated diseases

17:30-18:15 Dr. Muriel RHINN (IGBMC, Illkirch, France)

Investigating a link between cellular senescence and birth defects caused by valproic acid using mice models and human cerebral organoids

18:15-19:15 Final exchange, discussion with companies and general discussion (Room In Quarto)

Get together in the evening (au Croque Bedaine, Esplanade)


Day 2: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 University of Strasbourg Illkirch Campus Pôle API ESBS Room building D room D-111

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:30 Dr. Céline BRAÏNI (IMS, Illkirch, France)

When microtechnologies meet neurosciences

9:30-10:15 Dr. Daniel RIVELINE (IGBMC, Illkirch, France)

Self-organisation of organoids : experiments and theory

 10:15-10:30 Coffee break (Cafeteria building A, 2nd floor) 

10:30-11:00 Dr. Shreyansh JAIN and Jean-Marc BALLOUL  (Transgene, Illkirch, France)

“Building micro-physiological Systems to Test Virotherapies on Patient-Derived Tumoroids”

11:15-12:30 Visits of the Illkirch platforms and presentations of companies

12:30-13:30 Lunch break (Cafeteria building A, 2nd floor) 


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